Delivery, Shipping & Lead Times

Unframed Fine Art Prints

All unframed fine art prints are printed to order, so please allow 2-5 working days to be dispatched. Unframed prints will be hand signed and titled, before being wrapped in tissue paper and packaged in either a postage box or tube. Standard and express delivery options are available at checkout, but please note shipping is not included on unframed fine art print orders.

Framed Fine Art Prints

All fine art prints with additional framing will be professionally framed by The Framework Gallery in Sheffield. As each frame is made to order and bespoke to your chosen print, please allow 5-10 working days to be dispatched. Free standard shipping is included on all UK Framed Fine Art Print orders.

Hand Embellished Fine Art Prints

Fine art prints with this option will be embellished with textured acrylic brushstrokes and metallic details in the colour scheme of your print. As each print is hand finished, please allow 5-10 working days to be dispatched. Click here to read more about our hand embellished prints. Additional bespoke framing is available for hand embellished prints, please see Framed Fine Art Prints for lead times. Free shipping included on all UK Framed Hand Embellished Fine Art Print orders.

Original Paintings

Collection option available for original paintings from Sheffield or Manchester at no additional cost. If delivery is required please include this in your enquiry, along with your postcode, and the additional delivery costs will be added to your quote. Delivery costs will vary depending on the size and weight of the original painting.

All Amadora Art products will be sent tracked and signed for via Royal Mail or Parcelforce, and will be insured for the amount of the artwork.

If you have any questions regarding your order or delivery, please send us your enquiry using the form below or email

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